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Checklist for a new project - Knowledgebase / Getting started - Help Desk

Checklist for a new project

Authors list
  • David Berg

  • Ester Andersson

In this article, we will go through a checklist for creating a new project and things that can be helpful to know before rolling out the course to your participants.

Calendar invitations

Before rolling out your course, it is important to check your calendar invitations, which can be found under the project's "Settings"

If you have an event (please read more about events here) in your course, and the calendar invitations are turned on, then the participants will receive calendar invitations for every event in the course.

It's essential to check if you want this function enabled or not.

Social Features

(Can be read more about here). This function can be found under the project's settings.

If you want to allow your participants to comment on different activities, then Social Features should be turned on. If you don't want participants to comment on the activities, then it should be turned off.

NOTE: When Social Features are turned on, an email will be sent out with updates on the different comments to the learners. With Discussion Notifications, you have the option to enable/disable the email notifications sent to your participants.

Therefore, it is important to consider whether you want this email update to be sent out to your participants or not.

Automated Communication

(Can be read more about here).

Before rolling out a course to your participants, it can be important to check if there is any Automated Communication in your course. This can be found here:

This can, for example, occur if you have copied the course and the previous project had some automated communications. Then it is important to check these and see if there is anything that you need.

If you have some automated communication that you want to use, it can be important to test the automated communications, for example, by adding yourself as a test user.

Expiration Days

To ensure that participants do not have access to the course for too long, it can be important to use Expiration days (read more about it here) to prevent an increase in too many active users. You can read more about active users here and how to clear active users here.

The Expiration days function can be found under the project’s Settings:


(Read more about the catalog builder here. Catalog is available from the price plan Professional): Before adding participants to your project, it can be important to check if the project should be available in the catalog or not. You can check this under the tab in the project menu named “Course Page”.

When you enter the page, you will find information about whether the course should be visible or not in the catalog builder. If you press the “Edit Course Page” button, you can receive information about the settings in the course catalog. Please read more here about the course settings that can be found in the catalog builder.

Publish your changes

Before rolling out the course to your participants, it can be important to ensure that you have published the changes you have made to the course. Publishing means that the changes will take effect immediately on your project. You can read more about this function here. You can find the publish button below and in the course builder:

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