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Automated communication - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk

Automated communication

Authors list
  • David Berg

  • Ester Andersson

The automated communication function is under the “Communications” tab in the project menu. There are two additional tabs under the "Communications" tab: "Scheduled Tasks" and "Communication History". In this article, we will focus on "Scheduled tasks" which is where you can create automatic messages.

The automated communication function can be used to send out automated emails to your participants, instructors, or specific email recipients. So if you are looking for automating email management– this function is for you!

Tips: when creating an automated communication, it can be good to think of what you want to achieve with the specific trigger that you set up. Do you want participants to receive a reminder if they have not finished a course after 7 days, or do you want an instructor to receive an email when they have completed the course?


Using Automated Communication

These are the steps needed to schedule an automated message.

  1. Click on "Add Message" and name the message. **Please be as clear as possible when choosing a name, as this name will only be visible to administrators. **In this example, we are choosing the name "Message sent to everyone who hasn't logged in 7 days after invitation".

  2. Set the trigger/s. You can choose to add triggers under "Matching ALL of these rules" or "Matching ANY of these rules". What you choose depends on your needs. In this example, we will choose "Matching ALL of these rules" as we want the participant to check all rules to receive the message.

These are triggers you can choose between:

  • Activity

    • Status

    • Success

  • Module

    • Status

  • Participant

    • First seen

    • Last seen

    • Last email

    • Activated

    • Access expired

    • Status

    • Source

    • Waitlist

    • Number of logins

  • Event

    • Start date

    • End date

    • Event type

    • Calendar invitation response

  • Date

    • Date and time

In this example, we are choosing the two following triggers:

  • Participant → Activated → Exactly → 7 days ago

  • Participant → Number of logins → Exactly → 0



  1. Select your channel (this is where you choose in which way the message should be sent to the recipient/s). In this example, we are choosing "Email".



  1. Choose your audience (this is where you decide to whom the message will be sent). In this example, we are choosing "Participant".



  1. Write your message (you can choose if you want to use an email template or if you want to write a custom message). Read more here about where you can create your own email template. In this example, we are creating a custom message.



  1. Set a start date and a stop date (it is automatically set to 20 years forward).

  2. Save the settings for this automatic message by clicking on the button "Save and Close".

  3. If you want the message activated, click "Activate".



  1. All done!

Variables for emails sent to project team members

This article describes the variables that are available for use in emails sent to project team members or instructors using the automated communication function.

The general form of using a variable is to enclose the variable name in the form ${name}. So if a variable is named example it would be used in a template written like this: ${example}. The email templates support default values. A default value can be used when a variable is undefined. Use ":-" after the variable to specify a default value. Given ${name:-Happy User}, the text Happy User will be the output if the variable name is not specified.

"All variables starting with "participant" are variables that output values related to whom the rule matched for, not the recipient **(who is the project team members or instructors). If an automated communication is set up to send a message to the project team when a participant has completed a particular activity, ${participantName} refers to the participant.

The following variables are available:





The title shown to participants.

Induction Program


The project description from the course design

Welcome to your learning experience. This program will help you focus energy on purposeful action, assist in solutions to persistent problems, and improve overall performance. The assignments on this page will help you make the most out of the face-to-face learning session and ultimately increase your ability to achieve your goals and aspirations.


The administrative project name. This is the name visible in the client portal

Induction Program for Sales People Q1 2019.


The user's preferred locale



A URL to the generic login page where a user can log in. The page will contain a login form.


The name of the client

Acme Inc.


The recipient's full name (both first and last name)

Irene Instructor


The recipient's first name (given name)



The recipient's last name (surname)



The numerical user id. Can be used for referencing a specific user.



The recipient's primary email


The participant's full name (both first and last name)

Jane Doe


The user's first name (given name)



The participant's last name (surname)



The numerical user id. Can be used for referencing a specific user.



The participant's primary email





The current date is in different date formats. The format is taken from the project



Tuesday, January 1, 2022





The current date and time are in different date formats. The format is taken from the project

1/1/22 3:00 PM

2022-01-01 15:00

3 o'clock Tuesday, January 1, 2022

Variables for emails sent to participants

This article describes the variables that are available for use in emails sent to the participant

The general form of using a variable is to use enclose the variable name in the form ${name}. So if a variable is named example it would be used in a template written like this: ${example}. **The email templates support default values. A default value can be used when a variable is undefined. Use ":-" after the variable to specify a default value. Given ${name:-Happy User} the text Happy User will be the output if the variable name is not specified.

A participant mail is sent when a user is activated or a reminder is sent via automated communication. It usually contains information about the user, course, and where the user should go to access the platform.

The following variables are available:





The title shown to participants.

Induction Program


The project title.

Induction Program 2020


The project description from the course design

Welcome to your learning experience. This program will help you focus energy into purposeful action, assist in solutions to persistent problems, and improve overall performance. The assignments on this page will help you make the most out of the face-to-face learning session, and ultimately increase your ability to achieve your goals and aspirations.


The user's preferred locale



A url to the generic login page where a user can login. The page will contain a login form.


The name of the client

Acme Inc.


The participation specific part of a participation login link



The user's full name (both first and last name)

Jane Doe


The user's first name (given name)



The user's first name. Please use firstName instead



The user's last name (surname)



The user's last name. Please us lastName instead



The numerical user id. Can be used for referencing a specific user.



The participation id. Can be used for referencing a specific user's participation id.



The user's primary email


A raw url link to a participation login link. In most scenarios accesslink is a better choice.


A link with associated html code to make it clickable

<a href="">http://</a>


Some great messages

Communication 1: Encouraging message sent to participants who have completed an activity: 

Communication 2: Reminder to participants who haven't logged in seven days after receiving an invitation (only works for participants who have never been logged in before). Choose “Status” is “Not started” to notify users who have been logged in previously.


Communication 3: Message to the team manager when a team member has completed a quiz

Communication 4: Message sent to the participant when an event is 2 days away and the participant has responded “Accepted” 


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