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Clear active users - Knowledgebase / Administration / Tips & Tricks - Help Desk

Clear active users

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  • David Berg

In this help article you will learn the different ways to clear active users in your system!

What is an active user?

An active user is a user who has access to a course. Access to a course is indicated when the course appears in the participant's "My Courses".

For example, if a participant has one course in their "My Courses", they are considered active. Which means that if a participant doesn't have any courses in their "My Courses," they are not considered an active user.

A user with access to more than one course is still counted as one active user. Therefore, even if a user has access to three courses, they are still considered one active user.

Delete users

One way to clear active users is by deleting users from the admin view. This can be done by clicking on the specific user profile, then deleting the user's participation in different projects, and finally deleting the user.

Note: When deleting the user, they will be completely removed from the system, and restoration will not be possible. Also when removing/deleting a user from the participant list in a project their statistics from that specific project will be removed and not be shown in future reports.

Proactive solution: Expiration (days)

One solution to prevent your Learnifier portal from accumulating active users in the future is by using the "Expiration (days)" function on your different projects. You can find the "Expiration (days)" function by clicking on the specific project and then clicking on “Settings”.

This function, in practice, sets a time limit for participant access. For example, if you set the expiration to 30 days for a specific project, participant access will expire after 30 days.

Note: If a user still has access to additional courses beyond the project with set expiration, they will still be considered active.

Change Expiration

The Change Expiration function is useful if you want to control user access to specific courses. To remove access to a course and consequently deactivate a user, you can use the Change Expiration function.

For proactive use of this function:

1. Select the participants you want to adjust from the participant list.

2. Click on "Change expiration”

3. Select a date and time for when the access will be removed. If you want to immediately remove access, choose “Set expiration” and select yesterday’s date and a time:

4. When a participant's access has expired, it will be indicated by a red marking to the left of the plus sign. You can see how this appears below:

Note: You need to use the Change Expiration function on every project if a user has access to multiple courses to deactivate them completely.


You can find information about active users in the "Course Enrollments" report under the Reports tab. This report displays enrolled courses and their expiration dates. Users without expiration dates on all their courses are considered active.

Here, we receive information about the different courses to which users have been enrolled. On the right, there is a column named "Expiration date." This column provides us with information about when a user's access to a specific course expires. If a user has an “Expiration date” that has passed for all their courses, they are not considered an active user. If a user has a course without an “Expiration date” or with an “Expiration date” that has not passed, they are considered an active user.

If you want more detailed information about how to do this step by step, you can look below:

1. Go to Reports.

2. Select the "Course enrollments" report.

3. Choose no date.

4. Retrieve and download the report.

5. Import the report into Excel or Sheets.

6. Filter the "expiration date" column from A-Z.

7. Delete all rows with an expiration date that has passed - only upcoming dates and those with no expiration should remain.

8. Now you can see all active course participation.

9. Next, you can filter the "course name" column to get an overview of which courses have many active participants where you may need to deactivate them

10. For your information, there may be individuals active in multiple courses. If you only want to see a list of individuals considered active users, you need to remove duplicates from the list:

- Select all rows by clicking on the upper-left corner of the sheet.

- Go to "Data."

- Choose "Remove Duplicates" > Analyze column C.

Proactive solution: Anonymization

Another proactive solution to clear users is the Anonymization function. This function automatically anonymizes inactive users after a set number of days of inactivity.

To activate anonymization, specify to our support team on

- Which client do you wish to activate anonymization for (if you have only one, this can be disregarded)?
- How many days of inactivity would you like to use for anonymizing users?

Anonymizing a user removes their access to courses and consequently deactivates them.

Proactive solution: Integrations

Integrations can help manage active users by syncing information from external systems like HR software. For example, when an employee leaves the company, integration ensures their removal from Learnifier, preventing them from being counted as active users.

Back Office

Enterprise function: A solution if you want to remove users directly from the platform, so that you do not need to remove the users from every project that they have access to, is to use the function Back Office. This function will give you the opportunity to remove users directly!

To use this function, please contact and we will assist you further!

To completely delete a user, you can start by searching for their name in the box located in the top left corner. Once the user's name appears in the search results, click on it to access their profile. Within the user's profile, locate and click on the "Delete" button.

Note: This action will permanently delete the user and all their previous progress.

Service: We can help you!

If you need help clearing your active users, we offer this as a service for a specific cost.

Please send your request to, and we will be able to help you further!

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