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Course builder - Knowledgebase / Getting started - Help Desk

Course builder

Authors list
  • David Berg

  • Ester Andersson

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using the Course Builder feature within the Learnifier tool! Whether you're creating a new course from scratch or editing an existing course template, this article covers everything you need to know.

Three primary ways to edit a project or course template

From the dashboard

  1. Add project

  2. Select "New course" or choose a course template

  3. Edit course


  1. Choose an already existing project

  2. "Edit course"

From the library (available from price plan professional)

  1. Add Template

  2. Edit Course template


  1. Choose an already existing template

  2. Edit course template

Read more about course templates here.


This is the initial page of the Course Builder where you can add a course description visible to participants.

The participants will see the following course description when entering the course:


Under the activities tab, we have both activities and modules! The difference between an activity and a module can be seen, where an activity is a page in a book, while a module can be seen as a chapter in a book.. After pressing "New Activity," we have the option to choose a name for the activity and then enter the specific activity. To add a new module, you simply press the "New module" button!

Here, you create the course content. You have various options like adding new activities or modules, incorporating different materials like videos, audios, documents, etc. If you would like to add a new activity, you simply click on “New activity” that you can find here:

To add content to your activity such as images, videos, or an event, you press the plus sign that can be found here:

The different materials that we can add in the course builder include:

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Document

  • Text

  • Image

  • Scorm (We support scorm-file 1.2)

  • Quiz

  • Survey

  • Weblink

  • Automatic Event: Classroom event

  • Automatic Event: Virtual event

  • Automatic Event: Telefonconference

  • Moderated Event: Classroom Event

  • Moderated Event: Telefonconference

  • Assignment upload

  • Post on wall

The different settings that we can set on both modules and activities include:

  1. One setting in the course builder is that you are able to change the layout of the activity! To do this, you simply press the percentage button that can be found at the top. What the layout button will do is change the columns for the specific activity.

  1. If you would like the activity to be “Optional”, we can fix it here! Meaning of “Optional” is that no progress will be captured for the participant on the specific activity. This is a setting that you can read more about here and can be found in the top right. The setting can also be found by clicking on the settings button in the top left:

  1. If we click on "Settings" for a specific activity in the top left corner, we have a bunch of additional settings that we can adjust for the activity! The layout and optional settings can also be adjusted from here!

  2. Activity Accessible when. This is a function that you can read more about in this help article. This function can be used on both activities and modules!

  3. Discussion. If you would like to enable or disable the discussion function for a specific activity, this can be done here. NOTE: To use discussions, you need to have Social Features turned on. You can read more about Social Features here.

  4. Copy Link. If you would like to copy a link for a specific activity, this can be done using the Copy Link function. What this will do is copy the activity. How this function can be used in practice is that we can, for example, copy the activity and use the content "Weblink," copying the specific Activity Link into it. This way, our participants can access an activity through the web link in another activity.

  5. Completion Criteria is something that can be read more about here.

Estimated time is a function that we can use to approximate how long a specific activity will take. It will look like this for the participant:

New activity / Import activity from Project / Import Reusable activity from project

To the right of "New activity," we have an "arrow down":

Here we have three alternatives:

  • New activity is that you are able to add a completely new activity in your project.

  • Import activity from project. You can add an activity from a different project that you have already created. So instead of creating a completely identical activity, you can add the same activity over to your existing project.

  • Import Reusable Activity from Library (Available from the Professional price plan). This is where you add your Reusable activity that you have created in your Library. You can read more about reusable activities here.

New module / Import module from Project / Import Reusable module from project
To the right of "New module," we have an "arrow down":

Here we have three alternatives:

  • New module: You are able to add a completely new activity in your project.

  • Import module from project: You can add a module from a different project that you have already created. So instead of creating a completely identical module, you can add the same module over to your existing project.

  • Import Reusable module from Library (Available from the Professional price plan). This is where you add your Reusable Module that you have created in your Library. You can read more about reusable modules here.


Resources are the place where you can store material that the participant is able to download from the course. Through the button "Add resources now," we are able to add materials such as documents and PDF files that can be used as sources for your project.

After pressing the "Add resource now" button and choosing a material, we enter this page:

What these means is the following:

  • Resource is always visible: This means that the resource will always be visible throughout the course for the participant.

  • Resource will be visible as a resource when the corresponding activity is complete. This means if you add a material from your Library and have the material from the Library in your course builder, it will be shown in the Resources tab when it has been completed in the course for the participant.

  • Resource will be visible when the corresponding material is visible in the course. This means that the resource will be visible when the activity is able to be seen by participants.

  • Material will be visible as a resource when the entire course is completed. The resource will be visible when the full course has been completed by the participant

If you would like to add a category to the specific resource, then tags are for you! In this case, the tags will be added to the resource, and the tag will be searchable when the participant is doing the course. Please see the next picture of how it looks for a participant.


The settings-view looks like this:

From here, you are able to set a Course Image that will be shown for the participant here in "My Courses":

Preview function in the course builder:

In the course builder, we are able to preview the course and view it from the participant's perspective. This can be done through the following button:

Publish function in the course builder:

If you would like to publish your changes so that they take effect immediately on the project, then you need to "publish" your changes. This can be done by pressing the button in the top right corner.

Note: If you have participants who are currently taking the course and you publish the changes you have made, their progress will be affected, and the changes will be visible to them.

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