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Custom domain - Knowledgebase / Administration / Customize your learning platform - Help Desk

Custom domain

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  • Ester Andersson

Learnifier is available either on Amazon Web Service on the domain “” or on ElastX on the domain “”. From the price plan Enterprise, it is possible to also use a custom domain. We use the service Let’s Encrypt to create certificates.

Important to know when following the instructions below:

  • if instead, your Learnifier URL ends with use the ones marked with “.se”.

If you wish to use a custom domain, please do the following:

  1. If your domain already has an SPF record, then you must add the following SPF mechanism to the existing record:

    1. include: (.com) or (.se)

  2. If you currently don’t have an SPF Record, follow these instructions:

    1. Please go to this site to get instructions on how to add an SPF record

    2. Once you have added your SPF records, then add the following SPF mechanism to the existing record.

      1. (.com) or (.se)

  3. Add a record to your DOMAIN NAME SERVERS (DNS).

    1. (Alternative 1) If you are adding a top domain, for example, "", then add an A record to "" (.com) or "" (.se).

    2. (Alternative 2) If you are adding a subdomain, for example, "", then add a CNAME for "" (.com) or "" (.se).

  4. Add the CAA 0 issue ""?

  5. Send the domain that your academy is to be hosted under (e.g. to

Remember to also set up DKIM, for which you can find instructions here.

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