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Lock modules or activities - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk

Lock modules or activities

Authors list
  • David Berg

  • Ester Andersson

Learn how to effectively lock modules or activities in Learnifier to control participant access based on various conditions such as completion or passing of previous modules, specific dates, or event-related timings.

How do I find the setting?

  1. Go to the module/activity settings.

  1. Change settings under Module/Activity accessible when".

At the module level, there are seven options to choose from:

  • "Always accessible" - The module will always be accessible to the participants.

  • "Previous module completed" - The module will be accessible when the previous module has been completed by the participant.

  • All previous modules completed" - The module will be accessible when all previous modules have been completed by the participant.

  • "Previous module completed and passed" - The module will be accessible when the previous module has been completed and passed by the participant. NOTE: A prerequisite is that the previous module contains an activity with a component that participants can be completed and passed/failed for.

  • "All previous modules completed and passed" - The module will be accessible when the participant completes and passes all previous modules. A prerequisite is that the previous module contains an activity with a component/components that participants can be completed and passed/failed for.

  • "Set date" - The module will be accessible on a specific date.

  • "Days before/after event" - The module will be accessible X day/days before/after an event. A prerequisite to adding this setting is that the project contains an event.

    • "Date relative to" - A dropdown with all events that have been added to the course.

    • "Days" - Number of days before or after the event.*

      • If you set a negative number, the module is unlocked that number of days before the start date of the event at midnight. If you set the number to be zero or positive, the module is unlocked that number of days after the event's end date at midnight.

At the activity level, there are seven options to choose from:

  • "Always accessible" - The activity will always be accessible for the participants.

  • "Previous activity completed" - *The activity will be accessible when the previous activity has been completed by the participant.

  • "Previous activity completed and passed" - The activity will be accessible when the previous activity has been completed and passed by the participant.

  • "All previous activities completed" - The activity will be accessible when all previous modules have been completed by the participant.

  • "All previous activities completed and passed" - The activity will be accessible when the participant completes and passes all previous modules.

  • "Previous module completed" - The activity will be accessible when the previous module has been completed by the participant.

  • "All previous modules completed" - The activity will be accessible when all previous modules have been completed by the participant. 

How can this setting be used in practice in the Learnifier tool?

In this, we will go through the use case of how we can use Lock modules or activities in our projects.

Example 1: 

One example of how you can use a locked activity is if you have created a quiz (read more about how you create quizzes here) in the activity before the last activity. If you choose on the last activity to set the setting “Previous activity completed and passed", then this means that you need to pass the quiz before to get to the last activity. It can look like this:

This means that if you do not pass the quiz you will not get to the last activity and can therefore not complete the full course. For example if you have added an award to your project (read more about awards here) then the participant will only receive the award if they have completed the quiz and therefore can enter the last activity that needs to be completed and passed to be able to enter.

Example 2:

Another example of how this can be used is if you want your participant to complete the full module before being able to do the next module. It can for example look like this:

What this will mean in practice is that the participant needs to complete the previous module to be able to enter the next module in the course. In this case the participants are not able to click in on an activity in the end that is locked, and must therefore start with the activities/modules that are not locked.

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