The catalog builder allows you to create a learning academy of your own and is available from price plan Professional.
How to publish a course in the catalog
Import the course to the catalog by clicking on “+Project”.

Edit the course page by clicking on the three dots → “Course page”.

Set a description, course image, and a background image.
Go back to the overview and to the course settings by clicking on the three dots → “Course settings”

Under the “Visibility” tab, choose “Active” (course will be visible at all times) or “Timebound” (course will be visible for a limited time).
Under the “Category” tab, choose which (if any) category the course should belong to.
Under the “Enrollment dates” tab, choose if you wish to limit the enrollment and unenrollment dates. “Direct” means the learner will get immediate access to the course when signing up (you can add specific dates for when the enrollment should be open), and “Moderated” means the enrollment must be manually approved by a team manager (if “Managed by team” is turned to on in the project settings”) or an administrator. Unenrollment can only be direct (with specific dates for when the enrollment should be open).
The unenrollment button will be added to the course page in the catalog.
Under the “Audience” tab, restrict the visibility of the course in the catalog. Choose “Normal mode” or “Advanced mode” depending on how you wish your automation to work. In “Normal mode,” you can set only one rule. In “Advanced mode”, you can combine several rules. For example, if you have the custom field “Company” and you only want those who belong to Learnifier to see a course, you can choose Company = Learnifier.
Note“=” this means equals to.
“!=” this means not equal to.
“<-” means equal to or smaller than
“->” means equal to or bigger than
“<” means smaller than
How to add a category to the catalog
Enter the catalog builder.
Click “+Category” and name your category.
You can also add up to 3 subcategories by entering the category and clicking “Add subcategory”.

How to add a collection to the catalog
Click on the arrow next to “+Project” and choose “Add collection”.

Set a collection title.
Choose visibility.
Attach courses to your collection.

How to add optional fields to let the learners filter between courses
Go to the “Settings” tab in the project menu.
Scroll down to “Filters” and set the course information you would like to allow your learners to filter courses on.

To change which filters are visible in the catalog, go to the catalog builder and click on the settings icon next to “Projects”.