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Participants’ progress - Knowledgebase / Getting started - Help Desk

Participants’ progress

Authors list
  • David Berg

  • Ester Andersson

There are several ways to check up on participants’ progress, and in this article, you’ll learn all of them!

On the “Overview” tab

On the "Overview" tab in the project menu, you will find the following information about the participants' progress:

  • The number of participants who have started the course and are "In progress".

  • The number of participants who have completed the course.

  • The number of participants who are "On track" and "Overdue".

  • The number of participants who are not yet invited.

  • The number of participants whose invitations bounced back.

  • The number of project errors.

On the “Participants” tab

Would you like more detailed information on a participant's progress?

  1. Go to the "Participants" tab

  2. You will find a progress percentage bar to the right of the participants’ names. If you click on the plus sign to the left of their names, you will find more details about the participant's progress, such as which modules and activities they completed and when this was completed. If you click on "Show details" you will even see which components in a specific activity they have completed.

In a report

Would you like to see the participants' progress in a report instead?

  1. Go to the tab "Reports".

  2. Click on the report "Project status".

Tip: to get an overview with participant count per status in all active projects, go to the main navigation menu → Reports → Project activity overview report.

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