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Introduction - Knowledgebase / Getting started - Help Desk


Authors list
  • Ester Andersson

  • David Berg

A project in Learnifier can be anything under the sun. Perhaps it’s a digital onboarding course or simply an in-person workshop. Regardless, you can always create a project in Learnifier to administrate and stay organized.

Learnifier consists of three different portals. Your access to these depends on the role you have been assigned and what your main needs are with Learnifier. The following roles exist in Learnifier:

  • The admin portal – for you who have the role of administrator

  • The instructor portal – for you who have the role of instructor

  • The learner portal – for you who have the role of learner

  • The back office portal – for you who have the role of a master administrator

Tip: When creating, administering, and distributing courses, it is essential to keep your participants in mind. If you are interested in digital pedagogy and pedagogical thinking, you can download the "Educational Guidance Book" found below.

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