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Events - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk


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  • Ester Andersson

In this article, you will learn about the different types of events and how to manage them.

Different types of events

When adding an event, you can choose between an “Automatically completed event” or a “Moderated Event”.

“Automatically completed event”: When the date and time for the event have passed, the activity is automatically set to “Completed” for all participants.

"Moderated Event": When the date and time for the event have passed, the activity is set to “Completed: Awaiting Evaluation”. An administrator or instructor needs to manually moderate the participants’ status to either failed or passed.

  • Classroom Event: In-person events.

  • Virtual Event: Digital event, for example, via Zoom.

  • Teleconference: Telephone event.

Create an event

  1. Go to the course builder and click the plus sign → Choose an event

  1. Name your event under “Click to set” and write an appropriate description. Note: The title you set under “Click to set” will be the title of your calendar invitation.

  1. When you publish the course, you will be prompted to set details such as dates and times.

Change event details

  1. Go to the project for which you want to change the date, time, or location and the “Events” tab.

  1. Click on “Edit” and make the changes you desire and click on “Save project details”.

Calendar invitations

If you enable calendar invitations for a course that already contains events, calendar invitations will be sent out for all events. When calendar invitations are enabled, participants will receive updates if an event is changed, canceled, or if a new event is created.

  1. Go to the project’s “Settings” tab to enable calendar invitations and change “Calendar invitations” to “On”.

Note: If you have enabled calendar invitations and update any events, all participants registered in the course will receive an email with the new event update.​

Evaluate moderated events

  1. Go to the “Events” tab in the project menu → Find the moderated event you want to evaluate.

  2. Click the “Participants” button to bring up the full list → Check the box to the left of the participant’s name and click “Change Status”.

  3. Change the status for both “Attendance” and “Result”. Note: It is important that you set a value for both “Attendance” and “Result”.

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